Home>>Audit Assistance


tax software for client audit

Don’t want to deal with a client audit?

Audit Assistance is here to help and walk you through the steps to satisfy requests that the IRS makes in order to get your client their refund. Let the professionals at Audit Assistance handle your client’s  audit to help you get them to get the refund they are due. Audit Assistance will handle all correspondence between your client and the IRS for just a small fee?  

Tax Debt Relief

Tax Debt Relief

LinyX Audit Assistance is now offering assistance with taxpayers who owe tax debts to the IRS. When additional taxes, penalties, and interest are assessed, working with the IRS can be a confusing and stressful experience. At no extra charge, our staff will work with the taxpayer for a resolution to their debt.  

Education Credits

Education Credits?

Audit Assistance is here to help and walk you through the steps to satisfy requests that the IRS makes in order to get your client their refund. Let the professionals at Audit Assistance handle your client’s  audit to help you get them to get the refund they are due. Audit Assistance will handle all correspondence between your client and the IRS for just a small fee?  

Rejected ITIN (W-7) Applications

Rejected ITIN (W-7) Applications

LinyX Audit Assistance is now offering assistance with taxpayers who owe tax debts to the IRS. When additional taxes, penalties, and interest are assessed, working with the IRS can be a confusing and stressful experience. At no extra charge, our staff will work with the taxpayer for a resolution to their debt.